Thursday, February 6, 2020

Summary and Download Story Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

 The Story Of  Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone 

(Harry Potter and The Wizard's Stone)

Download a Story Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Summary Story Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter and the Wizard's Stone)

Dursley family

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone opens with a description of the Dursley family and is the testament to Harry who has been abused by his aunt Petunia the will on him, her husband and their son, a middle-class family who lives in (Little Wing, Surrey Little Whinging, Surrey). But his husband's aunt Vernon and his aunt Petunia Dorsley were constantly concerned that someone would discover that Petunia's sister is the 'unforeseen' witch, Lily, and that their fears are justified especially when Lily's infant son, Harry, is left on their doorstep. After Lily and her husband James Potter were killed by the dark wizard, Voldemort, but when Voldemort tried to kill Harry, his strength collapsed in some way.

The Boy Who Lived

Harry Potter becomes the only living person to survive the curse of murder, and the only sign of his confrontation with Voldemort is a unique thunderbolt scar on his forehead. Since Harry Potter has no other relatives, Albus Dumbledore, head of the Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry, decides to leave him with the Dorsley family until he is old enough to attend Hogwarts School.

Ten years later, Harry has grown into a skinny pale boy with black hair flowing everywhere and bright green eyes. From a young age, Harry was told that his parents had died in a car accident but had no further information about them, not even a photograph of his parents.

Strange things happen

Dudley with a gang of friends spoils Harry's life. The bedrooms spoiled by his parents, Harry Dudley, dominate the bedrooms, as Dudley takes control of two bedrooms - one for his bed and one for all his broken toys - Harry was transported by Uncle Vernon and his aunt Petunia to the small locker down the stairs. Although he strives to avoid attracting attention, Harry cannot deny that strange things have happened around him. Where, on one occasion, Aunt Petunia cut all of my hair in a fit of frustration, and his hair returned to its original length at the appropriate time on the day after he went to school. Once again, Harry was chased by a Dudley gang and suddenly found himself on the roof of the kitchen.

The Vanishing Glass

On Dudley's eleventh birthday, Harry accompanies the family and Dudley's best friend, Pierce Polkis, to the zoo, while Harry is at the reptile house, the glass façade suddenly disappears from the snake cage, Harry cannot explain or explain the accident, but Uncle Vernon blames him for any State and tied it to the closet down the stairs until the summer vacation.

The letters from nowhere

After a day, a mysterious message begins to arrive in Harry. Uncle Vernon refuses to allow Harry to read the letter but tells him that the letter was addressed to him in error. Over the next few days, an increasing number of messages arrive home, but Uncle Vernon prevents Harry from intercepting any of them. In an extreme effort to escape the letters, Uncle Vernon takes the family to an abandoned cottage on an island the night before Harry's eleventh birthday.

The keeper of the keys

When midnight hits, Harry wishes for himself 'Happy Birthday Harry' while silent, there is a loud sound at the door and Hagrid enters. Hagrid introduces himself as a keyguard at Hogwarts School, then explains that Harry is the magician who was accepted into Hogwarts in order to study magic. Harry discovers that Uncle Vernon was always aware of his magical abilities but tried to dampen his abilities and make him 'natural'. Moreover, Harry learns the truth about his parents being killed by Voldemore.

Daejeon Alley

The next day, Hagrid takes Harry to Daejeon Alley in London to buy school supplies. Their first stop is the enchanting bank, Gringotts, where Harry is shown in his family safe and realizes that his parents left him with a wealth of magical gold. During his trip to the bank, Hagrid stops in Treasury 713 and removes a mysterious package: Hogwarts' business for Dumbledore, he explains. After the bank, Harry Madame, owner of Robs, visited an apparel designer for all occasions to create his simple black school gown and magical textbook holder, as well as other shops for magic potion ingredients. Hagrid buys Harry a snow owl as a birthday present, and Harry decides to name the owl Hedwig. Their last stop on the Daejeon Lane is Elephantre, where Harry buys a magic wand that has an essence identical to the evil Voldemort stick.

The Way of Traverse

A month later, Harry Little Whiting left from Hogwarts Express, which leaves Kings Cross Station from platform nine and three quarters. Initially, he wasn't sure how to get to the Magic Deck, but he's getting help from Molly Weasley, who shows him how to get to the train. While on the train, Harry befriends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, the first-year Taliban suffering from insecurity about entering Hogwarts: because the youngest of the five brothers who had success in Hogwarts, Ron is concerned about the distinction between him and that Hermione is concerned about her background as a raven child . Harry also meets Neville Longbottom, a little cocky man in his first year with a pet frog named Trevor, and Draco Malfoy, an annoying student arrogantly advising Harry on who to befriend.

The Magic Choice

When the train arrives at Hogwarts, the students are immediately placed in the dining hall to be 'sorted', and assigned to one of the four homes in Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hovelbav, and Ravinclav. Harry worries that he will be sorted into Voldemort's old house, Slytherin, and that he makes a special request to the sorting hat to customize it to any other home. It's a carefully sorted hat game but eventually puts Harry (as well as Ron and Hermione) at Gryffindor's house.

With the start of the school year, Harry receives more attention than ever, especially when other students watch the thunderbolt in the form of a thunderbolt. Although most of his classes are fun, Professor Snape, the potion instructor, seems intent on hating Harry, and Harry notes that his scar looks like tingling as Snape glows at his face. After the first lesson of potions, Harry and Ron decide to visit Hagrid in his hut near the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid inadvertently reveals that the Treasury of 713, the Gringotts vault containing the mysterious bundle, was stormed shortly after Harry and Hagrid's visit to the Daejeon Lane.

During the first lesson, Neville broke his wrist and should be taken to the hospital ward by the coach. Malfoy snatches Remembrall Neville - he forgot after his injury - and flies in the air with her. Harry flies after Malfoy to take back the game Neville, and when he throws Malfoy Remembrall on the ground, he performs amazing diving to capture Remembrall a few inches from the ground. Professor McGonagal notes Harry's skilled flight, and instead of punishing him for breaking the rules, he prepares him to play with the researcher of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

The Midnight Duel

Malfoy arranges a midnight duel with Harry to iron the score, and Ron, Hermione and Neville accompany him to make sure he stays out of trouble. The four mistakenly enter a forbidden path and encounter a three-legged dog standing guard at a door. They leave the boardwalk quickly, but not before Harry concludes that the dog is guarding the mysterious packaging from the 713 safe.

Quidditch game

On Halloween, faculty members are alerted to a stray dwarf at school and escort students to their homes. Harry and Ron sneak away to find Hermione, who is in the girls' bathroom, and he missed the warning. After inadvertently closing the dwarf in the girls' bath with Hermione, Ron and Harry strike the dwarf and lose consciousness. Hermione takes the blame in battle, and the three become fast friends. During Harry's first Quidditch match, his broom is filled with a mysterious source. Hermione and Ron assume that Snape is bringing jinx to Harry after Hermione sees Snape mumbling in himself. Ron set fire to the Snape robot in time for Harry to regain control of his broom and win the match.

Harry resides in Hogwarts with Ron over the Christmas holidays and spends time playing magic chess and researching Nicholas Flamel, who unintentionally mentioned Hajid regarding the package from Treasury 713.

The Mirror of Erised

On Christmas morning, Harry was surprised to receive many gifts, including a rare cloak for disappearance. The note accompanying the cloak says it belongs to Harry's father. That night, Harry decided to try the concealment gown and encountered a large mirror in the middle of the room. Looking at the mirror, he sees his deceased parents and other unknown relatives staring at him. The next night, Harry rushed to the room to see his family in the mirror and was surprised by Professor Dumbledore, who was waiting for him. Dumbledore explains that Iriseed's mirror reveals the deepest desires of a person's heart but cannot give truth or knowledge. Dumbledore also told Harry that the mirror would be moved to a new location the next day, and Harry shouldn't try to find her again.

Norbert the Dragon

After the holiday ends, Harry, Ron and Hermione finally discover the identity of Nicholas Flamel: he is the only known manufacturer of magician's stone that produces the elixir of life. They realized that the three-headed dog was guarding the sorcerer's stone, and Harry began to suspect that Snape was planning to steal that. Harry, Ron, and Hermione also discover that Hagrid is raising an illegal dragon provided by a mysterious stranger in a bar in exchange for information about the three-headed dog. Harry and Hermione decide to smuggle the dragon to Ron's brother, Charlie, who works with dragons in Romania, but is caught right after handing the dragon straight to a friend of Charlie.

The Forbidden Forest

As punishment for disobeying the school's curfew, Harry and Hermione (as well as Malfoy and Neville, who were out of bed at the time) are sent to the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid to locate a rhinoceros wounded. When the group is split into two, Harry and Malfoy encounters the unicorn's body just as a hooded person crawls towards him and begins to drink his blood. Malfoye screams and runs, but Harry freezes in his place due to the painful pain that suddenly spreads from his scar. As the masked man moves toward him, Centaur walks past Harry with protection and the shape disappears. Centaurus suggests that the masked man was Voldemort and that he drank the blood of the unicorn in order to survive so that he could steal the magician's stone.

decided steal the Wizard's Stone

Harry decided to steal the Wizard's Stone before Voldemort could. Harry, Ron and Hermione slip into the forbidden lane and skip the three-headed dog by calming him to sleep with music. Once they reach the trap door, they land on Devil's Snare, which is the first of many challenges that Hogwart gurus put on. As snake-like tendrils threaten to strangle Ron and Harry, Hermione uses magic fire to repel and liberate the plant. The next challenge is to pass through a room filled with hundreds of tiny flying keys. Harry flies on a broom to find the silver key that matches the lock on the door and finally takes it out of the flock. The door opens to reveal the chessboard of the giant magician. Being a chess expert, Ron takes the lead in this challenge and eventually sacrifices himself in order to allow Harry and Hermione to reach the next challenge. When Harry and Hermione enter the next room, they are immediately surrounded by fire and face a complex mystery of toxic potions. Hermione solves the puzzle rationally and gives Harry the dose to travel to the next room and the last challenge as she returns to help Ron.

In the last room

In the last room, Harry was surprised to find Snape and Voldemort, but Professor Quirrell, a meek defense teacher against dark arts, and Mirror of Erised. Quirrell reveals that, not Snape, he was Voldemort's servant the whole time: Quirrill felt Harry's broom during a Quidditch match and drunk unicorn blood in the Forbidden Forest. Now, in the last challenge, Quirrell only needs to recover the Wizard's Stone from within the Mirror of Erised. He asks his master for help, Harry listens to a non-monophonic speaking from inside Quirrell, and asks him to use Harry to reach him. Quirrell stands before Harry in front of the mirror and orders him to tell him what he sees. Determined to prevent Voldemort falling into the hands, Harry lies and tells Quirill that he sees himself winning the Gwendor Quidditch Cup. Then he actually sees that he holds the magician's stone and puts him in his pocket. Realizing that the stone is now in his pocket, Harry tries to stop working so he can escape. Quirill removes a turban and reveals Voldemort's face from the back of his head. Voldemort speaks directly to Harry, making fun of him about the death of his parents, then orders Quirrell to kill him. When Quirrell tries to touch Harry with his skin blisters, and although Harry suffers severe pain from his scar, he imposes contact with Quirrell. With Voldemort's wrath screaming at his head, Harry is finally fainted.

Harry wakes up

When Harry wakes up, he finds himself in the hospital ward with Dumbledore. Dumbledore found Harry in time to prevent Kirill from killing him, although Voldemort fled again. Dumbledore explains that Quirrell was unable to touch Harry's skin because of his mother's love: when Lily Potter sacrificed herself for him, she left Harry with an ancient magic protection. He knew that only Harry could recover the stone from the Erised Mirror because, unlike Quirrell and Voldemort, Harry wanted to find the Stone but he didn't want to use it. Although Voldemort was not destroyed, Harry's actions prevented him from regaining his strength for the time being.

At the end of the year

At the end of the year, Slytherin House members celebrated their victory in the House Cup for the seventh year in a row. Unexpectedly, Dumbledore awards last-minute points for Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville, which gives Gryffindor the edge over Slytherin. Harry considers it the best night of his life and returns to spend the summer with the Desler's family with his friendships made at Hogwarts

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