Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Story What will today bring? Author: Chrissi Nerantzi

Story What will today bring?
 Author: Chrissi Nerantzi 

Something is burning my eyelids. 
I open my eyes and look around.
 Where am I? Sea, sun and hot sand. A beach? 
What is all that noise? 

How did I get here?
 Where are Mummy and Daddy?
 Where is Hope?
 The noise is getting louder and louder. 
I want to go home. 
I close my eyes and imagine. 

It all came back to me. 
Broken houses. Broken people. 
Trying to swim, in the water, clinging on… a piece of wood. Mummy, Daddy? Hope? 

What happened next? 
I can't remember. 
Who are these people?
 Why do I not understand them?
 A little girl gives me her teddy. 

I am holding on to teddy.
 With both hands.
 I am looking around. And around. 
Where is my Mummy? Daddy? Hope? 
My eyes fill up, like the sea.
 They become the sea. 

Where are we going? 
I am in a room with pictures.
 Happy pictures.
 Mountains of toys. Clothes. Food. 
Girls and boys with sad eyes. 

Where are Mummy and Daddy?
 Hope? I still feel their warmth. 
But they are not here. 
I run out of the room. 

I keep running and running.
 No familiar faces. None. 
People are crying, others laughing.
 “We made it,” they shout. 

I hold on to teddy.
 I hold on and look around.
 It is just me. 
Nobody I know. 

Suddenly a familiar voice reached my ear...
 I turned around. 
My eyes lit up. 

I run. With teddy. It was Hope. 
My heart started beating again.
 She squeezes me hard and doesn't let go.
 We look out to the sea. 

Hope shows me a picture. 
We just sit there.
 In silence. With teddy.
 It got dark and then light again.
 “What will today bring?” I ask Hope… 

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