Friday, February 14, 2020

Read-Summary-and-Download-Story-Harry-Potter-and-Chamber-Of-Secrets-pdf- By J.K. Rowling

Read Summary and Download Story Harry Potter and Chamber Of Secrets pdf

By J.K. Rowling

Read-Summary-and-Download-Book-Harry-Potter-and-Chamber-Of-Secrets-pdf- By J.K. Rowling

Summary Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets 

Summary chapter by chapter "

1. The Worst Birthday

It's Harry's twelfth birthday, but all of his friends seem to have forgotten about it. Rather than celebrating his 12th birthday, Harry will have to spend the evening in his room pretending not to exist, while his uncle and aunt receive dinner for the Masons, potential customers.

2. Dobby's warning

House elf Dobby infiltrated Harry's room; he had stolen all his mail. Dobby is impressed with Harry, but makes a lot of noise every time he feels he needs to punish himself. He warns Harry that a plot is being prepared at Hogwarts and tries to make him promise not to go back to school. When Harry refuses, Dobby levitates Aunt Petunia's dessert and drops it to the floor. The Ministry of Magic thinks that Harry was the one who unlawfully performed magic, and sends him a warning letter. The Dursleys lock Harry in his room, bars on the windows.

3. The Burrow

Ron, Fred and George Weasley come to free Harry in a flying car and take him home, to the Burrow. They find their parents there and their sister Ginny, who is madly in love with Harry.

4. At Flourish and Blotts

The Weasleys and Harry leave for Diagon Alley via the Cheminette network, but Harry does it badly and ends up in the Alley of Mists. He surprises Draco Malfoy and his father doing business in a black magic shop. At the Fleury & Bott bookstore, author Gilderoy Lockhart signs his books and announces that he will teach Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. Lucius Malfoy laughs at the poverty of the Weasleys and comes to blows with Arthur Weasley.

5. The Whomping Willow

The Weasleys and Harry are very late to take the Hogwarts Express. When Ron and Harry try to pass on track 9 3/4, the entrance is blocked. Panicked when they miss the train, they decide to take the flying car to Hogwarts. The car does not tolerate the long journey and crashes on arrival in a hitting willow that seeks to knock them out and breaks Ron's magic wand. Harry and Ron are punished for their actions.

6. Gilderoy Lockhart

In Botany, the second years work on Mandrakes, plants capable of restoring health to victims of spells. Gilderoy Lockhart takes himself for an expert on everything and gives advice to everyone, but it is clear that he is an egocentric incapable of teaching defense against the forces of evil.

7. Mudbloods and Murmurs

During a Quidditch training, an argument 
breaks out between the Gryffindors and the Slytherins, and Draco Malfoy calls Hermione "mud blood", because her parents are not sorcerers. In the evening, Harry made his punishment: answering the mail from Lockhart's admirers. He hears a strange voice in the hallways threatening to kill someone, but no one else can hear him.

8. The Deathday Party

The trio is invited to the party for the 500th anniversary of the death of the ghost Nick Quasi-Sans-Tête. Harry hears the voice again; by following it, they discover Miss Teigne, the cat of Argus Filch, petrified. A message drawn with blood on the wall states that "the chamber of secrets has been opened; enemies of the heir, beware".

9. The Writing on the Wall

Ginny is very upset by what happened. Harry notices that the spiders seem to be fleeing from Hogwarts. During a History of Magic class, Professor Binns explains that according to a legend, the Chamber of Secrets was created by Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts, and that it contained a monster that only l heir to Slytherin could control. Students seem to suspect Harry of being the heir, but the trio thinks it's Draco Malfoy and decides to make Polyjuiceto disguise themselves as Slytherin students and discover the truth.

10. The Rogue Bludger

In the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Quidditch match, a 
Bludger behaves strangely and only attacks Harry, eventually breaking his arm. Lockhart tries to fix it, but makes the bones in his arm disappear instead. In the infirmary, Harry receives a visit from Dobby, who explains that it was he who blocked platform 9 3/4 and bewitched the Cognard, in order to force Harry to return home. The same night, a new attack took place: Colin Crivey, a first-year student, was found petrified.

11. The dueling club

Gilderoy Lockhart offers to create a dueling club. Harry fights Malfoy, who sends him a snake. Harry manages to speak to the snake, which everyone finds very frightening: Salazar Slytherin also knew how to speak to snakes. The next day, a third attack took place: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nick Quas-sans-tête were petrified, and it was Harry who discovered them. The whole school is convinced that he is guilty.

12. The Polyjuice Potion

In Dumbledore's office, Harry discovers the phoenix Fumseck, who has the ability to rise from the ashes and heal wounds through his tears. During the Christmas holidays, Harry, Ron and Hermione finish making the Polynectar in the bathroom haunted by Mimi Geignard. Harry turns into Goyle, Ron into Crabbe, but Hermione is wrong and becomes half cat. Harry and Ron question Malfoy and discover that he is not the heir of Slytherin.

13. The Very Secret Diary

Harry discovers a diary someone was looking to get rid of on the toilet. 50 years ago, it belonged to a certain Tom Riddle, who responded to Harry when he wrote in the journal. Tom shows Harry a memory in which he surprises a young Rubeus Hagrid with a huge spider, accused of being the monster of the Chamber of Secrets and of having caused the death of a student. Rubeus Hagrid was fired from Hogwarts following this affair.

14. Cornelius Fudge

Someone is robbing Harry's dorm and stealing Riddle's diary. The next day, Hermione and another student are petrified; we find them with a mirror in hand. Determined to find out more, Ron and Harry go to see Hagrid, but are forced to hide when Albus Dumbledore, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, and Lucius Malfoy arrive. Hagrid is sent to Azkaban prison, and Dumbledore is suspended from office. As he leaves, Hagrid advises to follow the spiders, and Dumbledore promises that help will always be given to those who ask for it.

15. Aragog

Following Hagrid's advice, Harry and Ron follow spiders, which take them to the Forbidden Forest. They discover a colony of giant spiders, led by Aragog, the spider that Hagrid had when he was young. Aragog explains to them that he is not the monster of the Chamber of Secrets, and that Hagrid is innocent. He threatens to let his children devour Harry and Ron, but they are saved by the flying car. Harry understands that the student who was killed 50 years ago is Mimi Geignarde.

16. The Chamber of Secrets

Harry and Ron visit Hermione petrified in the infirmary and find a piece of paper in her hand: she understands that the Slytherin monster is a Basilisk, a gigantic snake that kills anyone who meets its gaze, and which moves in the Hogwarts plumbing. Right after, the Slytherin heir leaves a new message: he kidnapped Ginny Weasley and writes that "his skeleton will rest forever in the Chamber".

Harry, Ron and Lockhart find the entrance to the Chamber in Mimi's bathroom. Lockhart tries to bewitch Harry and Ron to get all the glory, but he uses Ron's broken wand and his amnesia spell turns against him. A landslide separates Ron and Lockhart from Harry, who continues on his way in the Chamber alone.

17. The Heir of Slytherin

In the Bedroom, Harry finds Ginny's almost lifeless body, and next to her, Tom Riddle, who explains that he is the heir of Slytherin and that he comes back to life thanks to the diary, in which Ginny has spilled in recent months. Tom Riddle is none other than the young Lord Voldemort, and he launches the Basilisk in pursuit of Harry. With the help of the Fumseck phoenix and the Sorting Hat that provides him with the Gryffindor sword, Harry defeats the Basilisk and plants one of his fangs in the newspaper, eliminating Riddle. Ginny comes back to life.

18. Dobby's reward

Dumbledore takes over as director and explains to Harry that if he can speak to snakes, it's because Voldemort passed some of his powers on to him the night he tried to kill him. But Harry chose to be in Gryffindor and not Slytherin, which shows that he is very different from Voldemort.

Harry realizes that it was Lucius Malfoy who had given Ginny the diary, and that Malfoy is Dobby's master. He manages to get Lucius Malfoy to give Dobby a sock, which makes him a free elf.

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